Draco Rolbender SET 2S3: EcO-Bender 3/350 & Disc-Bender DB 41

The EcO-Bender forms many profiles. Bending up and down from 0°-90°, making under and over cloak (male and female), standing seam and many more. Bending height is continously adjustable (graduation in mm and inch). Inner and outer radii are possible, max. bending height depends on radius!

With the disc-bender you can bend a right angle of 90° to 180°. Perfect for eaves, hems, cross seams and flashings.

Many more options will be gained when using both tools in addition or in combination.
For example:

  • flashings
  • angular sheets with water seam
  • hems
  • battens
  • sheets for verges
  • etc.

Additional information



  • required tools are economic in price
  • very flexible production process
  • costumized production is possible even at the jobsite
  • short manufacturing time means quick delivery and sooner completion of the job
  • freedom when it comes to giving shape to a profiled section
  • etc.